Sunday, May 6, 2012

A day in the life..... 7 months

6:00am- girls start waking up
6:30am- get out of bed, change the girls' diapers, take pajamas off and put into high chairs for breakfast
7:00am- make spinach, applesauce, and banana puree for the girls (and feed them of course)
7:12am- text grandma pictures of the messy girls in the cute bibs grandma made for them
7:30am- finish feeding girls, clean the spinach mess off of them
7:45am- change diapers again and get girls dressed
8:00am- feed girls bottles because they are starving already
8:30am- put girls down for nap and take a little nap myself!
Sometime between those two events- make blackberry bread pudding with Brian and Brian goes out to Santiago's for burritos and Starbucks for some much needed coffee
9:45am ish- girls wake up and want to play! I try to put together an alphabet puzzle mat that I got from goodwill
10:00am- realize that half the pieces are missing and decide that the mat will be chew toys for the dog
10:15am- eat breakfast
11:00am- decide that I need to go to Target because we are almost out of formula and I have a 5% off coupon
11:45am- pick up our friend's 13 year old so that she can push the cart at Target for me (Brian was tired and needed a nap because he stayed out too late with his friends lol)
12:00pm- get to Target
12:45pm- buy both Paeytn and I a Starbucks because we are both going to need it if we are going to finish this shopping trip
1:30pm- leave Target..... saved over $60 in coupons!
1:35pm- load up car and go to Arc thrift store
2:10pm- get home and unload stuff from massive shopping trip- turn on MN Twins game
2:10-6:30pm- clean house, garage, wash laundry, fold & put away laundry, sweep floor, vacuum, swiffer mop floor,  and take millions of pictures the girls! (Oh, and can't forget texting them to grandma and auntie.)
4-6pm- girls play.... a lot!!
6:00-7:15pm- nappy time for the girlies
Sometime in there- manage to take the girls 7 month bear picture.  It took about 20 min to actually get a good one!  They are so squirmy!!
7:00pm- Brian gets home from the Korean store and starts dinner
7:15pm- put away stuff Brian bought
7:20pm- find a suspicious "wet spot" from the cat on the floor downstairs and clean it up
7:30pm- eat dinner
7:40pm- change both girls' diapers and put them into pajamas.  John and Paeytn feed the girls meanwhile I clean up dinner and take out the trash and Brian downloads all my pictures and videos to the computer
7:50pm- put girls to sleep
7:55pm- take John and Paeytn home
8:05pm- get home, take the dog outside, and put another load of laundry in the washer
8:30pm- sit down, check e-mail and Facebook
8:45pm- decide to write this blog entry!
9:12pm- decide its time to stop writing this blog entry!
Still to do:
  • fold one load of baby laundry (not sure if I will get to it or not!)
  •  Put one more load of laundry in the dryer

Busy day!! I am just so happy to have the house clean for once.  I usually don't have a lot of time when I get home from work and end up playing with the girlies, putting them to bed and then going to bed early myself. 

10 days left of work!!! (9 with students!) until 3 full months with Brian and the girls.  I can't wait!

OH! I can't forget... the girls turned SEVEN months today.  They are getting so big.  I have so many cute pictures from recently that I will have to put into another day's post.  I am exhausted.

9:20pm- hit publish! LOL

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