My baby boys are three!!! Their birthday was yesterday. How on earth did that happen??
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Today while I was out sampling my jams at the mall, I thought a lot about kindness and how it costs you nothing but can sometimes mean everything.
I stood at my little table offering the samples of my jams to everyone that walked by. It doesn't bother me that not everyone buys, because, well, they just don't all buy! A man walked up to my table wearing a super worn out shirt with holes in it, and had a look that some may not approve of. I offered him a sample, he loved my blackberry vanilla jam, and ended up purchasing a jar. I could have just not talked to him, and judged him based on appearance, but I didn't. I didn't have to engage him in conversation because he didn't look like someone who would buy artisan jam, but I did. He was a nice young man that appreciated my product just as anyone would, and I thoroughly enjoy sharing my products with anyone that wants them. We all know the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover" and it's really amazing the perspective you can get when you just see people as people.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
It's 7:35pm and all 4 kids are in bed and sound asleep. What do I even do with myself?
I'm exhausted, so no work will get done. But I didn't eat dinner yet so maybe I should do that.... and then eat the girl scout cookies I don't want to share!
Monday, February 8, 2016
Everything in this house is broken, including me.
$327 to fix a leaking pipe in the basement today. It was either that or have no water. Oh the joy it is to be a home owner.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Busy. That word doesn't even explain things right now! Today I made about 50 jars of beer jelly so I can take them up to the mall tomorrow and sample/sell. People will be out shopping for Broncos gear so I'm hoping to take advantage of those shoppers and sell some yummy jelly!
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Thirty - A Day in the Life
Today was just one of those days that I wonder how we all survived
7:00 kids start waking up
8:20 take girls to school
8:45 back home to get boys ready for school
9:15 take boys to school
9:45 go to Walmart to but mason jars and stuff to make soup
10:30 get home and start soup
10:45 leave to pick up girls from school
11:15 back home to finish cooking soup
12:15 bring soup to friend
12:45 drive to the mall to pick up candied jalapeños that a customer wants because I'm out at home
1:25 meet Brian at the boys school so he can wait in the parking lot while I go in and get the boys
1:40 bring soup to another friend
1:45 arrive home and kids all say they're starving. Make PBJ sandwiches
2:10 get kids down for naps
2:15 run to fabric store to get broncos fabric so the girls can wear something for Bronco Friday.
3:10 get home and Ollie hadn't napped and is still crying
3:30 call doctor to get same day appointment
4:00 get to the doctors office
4:30 leave doctors office with antibiotic prescription. Double ear infection for Ollie
5:00 try to pick up prescription but the insurance changed 1 letter on plan info so call them with crying kid in the background in the Target pharmacy
5:30 get home and give antibiotic/ibuprofen
5:45 wash dishes so we have clean bowles to eat from
6:00 eat said soup
6:30 let kids watch paw patrol while I cut dresses out
7:00 put kids to bed
7:30 sew dresses
8:00 crash and zone out with my phone
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016
Twenty eight
It's snowing like crazy!
In my teaching days I hoped for a snow day. Now? I hope it's not. My kids need to go to school!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Twenty seven -
Let me just say that when it rains, it pours!! Brian was in the hospital for 48 hours, and now my foot is a sore and swollen mess. We are ready for our luck to change around here, that's for sure
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Twenty Six- LINKS!
Also, I started selling Scentsy a few months ago. If you don't have a rep you love, please shop my link here! I'm offering a free scent circle to anyone that orders something today from my "Bonus Party"
Happy Shopping!
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Twenty Five- Butts
The boys had a "night of the arts" thing at their school tonight. There were ballerinas performing and they were just intrigued by them! During the performance, Elliott asks, "Do ballerinas have butts, mom?" I'm not even sure I answered him because it was such a silly thing to say!!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Twenty Four
I've been SO tired lately that I'm kind of at a loss for words!!
My oven is broken, so I baked a cake in my neighbor's oven. That was the highlight of my day!!
Monday, January 25, 2016
Twenty-Three Pictures!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Twenty-Two- Connected
Friday, January 22, 2016
Twenty- One -Girls Night
Twenty- Mama's Messy Kitchen
I had a few professional pictures taken of my jams. I've since changed my packaging so I might need to get some new ones done!

Thursday, January 21, 2016
Nineteen- Blankey
Chair's blanket is completely falling apart. We had to send it to someone to get it fixed! I feel so bad! She's not a happy camper at all. Those things must have some magical power!
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
One of these days I need to figure out how to get photos attached here from my phone or jump on my laptop. I've been sewing up SO any fun things while the kids are all at school and I'm dying to share!
It's pretty weird being home by myself because it hasn't happened in so long but the break is definitely nice. The house isn't getting quite as messy either since no one is here destroying it for the better part of the day.
The boys are really loving school, too. I've really seen a difference in Elliott's behavior already! He's listening more just toning his voice down in general. His teacher said today was his best day so far!
Sunday, January 17, 2016
End of the weekend! Booo. Brian goes back to his regular work schedule this week and I'm stressed already.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
I signed up for Influenster a whole back. .. kind of forgot about it. Then got an email asking to take a survey to see if I fit for their product, and I did I guess!
So, today I got in the mail some Dove dry spray deodorant. Put some on and it smells pretty good!! I was tempted to try out the men's one too, but that might be too much scent mixing lol.
Apparently you get points or something for posting on FB, IG, twitter, etc, so here I am, telling you about my new deodorant. I don't need a bunch of junk in the house, but I was almost out so yay for one less thing to buy! :)
Side note, who's with me here? Not sure if you're enjoying these short/random Posts but I'm sure enjoying being back and writing.... even if it's really about nothing.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Fifteen - Happy
I've felt very accomplished this week. I got caught up on most of my sewing orders, labeled a bunch of jam and tool it to the mall, cooked more than usual, and played lots with the kids.
Today, I went and picked up my check at the mall, took it to the bank, and opened up a separate account just for my business stuff. When I got home, I declared we were going to the trampoline park and the kids were ecstatic! A friend ended up joining us with her 3 kids and they all had a blast. The kids all got to burn their energy for a couple hours and I got to have some adult conversation! We mostly talked about crafting and the kids. Oh! And she brought me fresh baked bread! (Which I just remembered is in my car!)
There was nothing amazing or spectacular about today but it just felt like a great day.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Fourteen- free time
With the boys at school twice a week, I have actually free time!!! And it feels amazing. A couple hours to myself makes me feel like a new person!
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Thirteen - The PantRy Raid
Brian is an adjunct professor, and if you know anything about that, they don't make a ton of money. His classes end in December so he only gets a small check in the beginning of January. What does that have to do with anything you say?
Well, let me tell you. This month we need to save money. We have to work preschool into the budget too.
And that's where the PantRy Raid comes in. I'm in this cooking group, and many of us decided that this is the month to eat a bunch of stuff we already have, and set a small weekly grocery budget. Normally we spend way too much, but we decided upon $75/week. At first, I thought there was not a chance in hell this was going to work but we are doing really well!! The new week starts on Saturday.... we have a pretty well stocked frig, and $5 left in the budget. We've been shopping more often, but only for fresh fruits, veggies, milk, eggs, and bread. We are actually finding ways to use everything up and waste a lot less. I find myself eating the leftovers from the kids plates instead of making my own lunch and getting creative with the random crap hiding on the shelves and in the back of the freezer. To be fair, there hasn't been anything fancy like steak or roast, but I've been more satisfied than I thought with the food we do have. I've had to plan ahead, and just make it work, or find alternative ingredients. Today, I used leftover hotdogs from lunch at Sam's club yesterday as a pork element in some home made baked beans. I used pinto beans (which I thought I hated) and they turned out awesome actually.
If you haven't done something like this, I highly recommend it. It's given me a lot of perspective on what it must feel like to struggle with food and providing for your family.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Twelve-10 things I love
1. My family
2. Beautiful sunny and warm winter days
3. Wearing my handmade clothing
4. Coffee
5. Dark chocolate
6. Spending 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 time with the kids
7. Shopping!
8. Creating things
9. Feeling appreciated
10. Alone time
Monday, January 11, 2016
I have an alarm set on my phone for 8pm in order to try and remember to write something. Now, I tell the kids that the alarm means it's grownup time. Ha
Sunday, January 10, 2016
My girls have been with my mom all weekend and it feels so strange to have only two. It's nice though to sobs some time just with my little guys.
Didn't win 900 million and still doing what I'm doing!! My girls are hanging out with grandma this weekend and the house is so quiet with only two kids!!!
Took all of them swimming at grandma's hotel yesterday. Ollie and Char loved to swim, and Elliott was doing acrobatics trying to look at the turtle on his puddle jumper. Evy swam with mommy!!
Friday, January 8, 2016
You might be wondering what on earth these short daily posts are about, so I thought I'd talk about it for a sec. Someone posted this article just before the new year
It really spoke to me. Each January I always say, "I'm going to lose weight or I'm going to do this and that" but it never happens. So this year I'm just going to focus on what I DO have and how I can enjoy all of that. Simplify things. Get rid of stuff. Change things that drive me nuts. Take time for myself to do things I like to do. And write more.
At the end of the day I feel like I have a million things rolling around in my head and writing is really like therapy for me. I just quit taking antidepressants a couple weeks ago after being on them 2+ years and I feel better already. At first they helped, but lately they seem to be making me crazier. So, here I am. Trying to work on healing myself from the inside and not worrying about all of those resolutions that get given up by Valentines Day.
Grandma's here to visit! Yahoo!
Went fabric shopping and out for coffee today with a friend. Feels amazing to get out without kids!
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Great day today with minimal yelling (I know, I know )
Boys start preschool tomorrow and we're all beyond ready. I never thought I'd send 2 year olds to school, but here we are!
Highlights of the day.... Ollie telling me his nipples were called beans. And that they're for grown ups
A perfect stranger paying for the boys haircuts!
Going to target ALONE!
Realizing that I will be getting a break for a couple hours a week! And time just with my girls
(Yesterday) I took Evy to the grocery store alone. It was SO much fun to spend time one on one with her and really listen to what she's saying without distractions. That girl is ridiculously smart, observant, and inquisitive. Right now she wants to know what melts and why it melts. I tried explaining water molecules moving faster and faster but we may need books for better explanations. And why people don't melt even though they can freeze.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Monday, January 4, 2016
What a whirlwind of a day. Business is good, what can I say. Which makes for a lot of running around for ingredients, etc.
Today I picked up 80 pounds of apples, and 35 pounds of sugar. I ran out of time, so the 48 cartons of blackberries will have to wait!
T minus 2 days until the girls are back in school, 3 days until the boys first day, and 4 days until Grandma gets here!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Yesterday I got some crock pot apple butter started and today when I woke up it smelled like HEAVEN!!! Kids were up around 7, and I had it all jarred up by about 8:30.
The girls and I headed off to a birthday party for the good part of the day after that. They played, ate pizza, swam, and then we did a little shopping. It was a beautiful day here today. Around 45° and the sun was shining. Perfect winter day here!
Saturday, January 2, 2016
January 2nd and things are already breaking left and right. First the ignitor on my stove, and today the button that closes the door on my van. Sweeeeeet. Not.
Kids didn't nap so everyone was cranky by 7pm but hopefully that means they will fall asleep fast.
Brian is off of work another week or so, so I'm trying to build up my jam inventory while he's home. Today was Cowboy Candy ( Candied Jalapeños ) and now my kitchen is all spicy and sticky. Oh joy. And did I mention the dishwasher broke too?
Friday, January 1, 2016
Lazy day today. Nothing out of the ordinary. Kids destroyed the house, played on their tablets, watched Aladdin, and saw Grandma and cousin Lena over Skype.
I did a little sewing, sold some jam, and learned to use a food dehydrator. Guess we'll see how that turns out
Hard to believe 2015 has come and gone.... and I totally left this blog in the dust.
I really miss writing and perhaps I will start up again... or make a few entries and forget again. Ha.
In short, things are pretty wild around here. The girls started preschool in the fall and are loving every minute of it. They are growing and learning SO much! Charlotte has really gotten into painting, arts and crafts, and is a blossoming leader. Evy loves roll playing in the "red center" (grocery store), and playing with friends. They are both adapting quite well to going to school and being away from mom.
The boys are talking SO much and I can't even believe it. Sometimes I think they just like the sound of their own voices. Elliott is a tank weighing in at 40 pounds and likes to touch and explore everything. Ollie's favorite thing is anything that has to do with sticks. If there's a stick, he will find it!!!! The boys will be starting preschool next week. I found a program for non potty trained 2 year olds and they are ready to cut the cord and spend some time in a structured classroom. They need it and so do I!
Brian is working as an adjunct professor and attempting to finish his dissertation.
As for me, I'm working on expanding my businesses. I now make jam, and sew kids clothes, women's clothes (including the most wonderful undies!) And also do embroidery. I started selling Scentsy too bevause I'm in love with the products!!!
I hope this finds you well, and that you had a great 2015! Perhaps you will see more of me in this new year.