Sunday, May 26, 2013

3 Months Old!!

Wow, 3 months already? Where has the time gone?  These little boys are growing FAST!!!!  I don't even remember what "small" babies were like because they really aren't that small!
Elliott and Oliver

Elliott and Oliver




At two months, they had a doctor's visit and were "officially" weighed.  I have a scale at home and weighed them just for fun!

Birth: 7lbs 14oz
2 Months: 14lbs 2oz (9.5 weeks)
3 Months: 16lbs 4oz

Birth: 6lbs 3oz
2 Months: 12lbs 0oz (9.5 weeks)
3 Months: 13lbs 9oz

It seems extremely crazy that Elliott has gained more than 2 pounds in less than a month, but he has been eating and eating and eating and EATING lately!  Just tonight he ate TWELVE ounces in about an hour to an hour and a half right before he zonked out.  Oliver ate EIGHT ounces and is currently fussing so I might try and feed him two more.  Generally speaking, they eat 4oz every 3-4 hours.  If they are still hungry after that, we give them another 2oz.  I am making about 40oz of breastmilk every day so after that's gone- they get formula.

They have been in size 3-6 month clothes for about 3 weeks now.  I don't think Elliott is going to last very long in this size.  I could probably even bump him up to the 9 month clothes now!  I have a few more cute matching outfits in this size that I want them to wear so I will bump them up when I run out of clean cute outfits. ha!  Another twin mom that has twins the same age as the girls sent me a huge box of the most adorable matching outfits I have ever seen!  It was so nice of her!!

The boys are wearing size 2 diapers.  I tried to stretch the size 1s out as long as possible, but we had 4 blowouts in one day so I went up a size.  I had some open, but my friend is having a little boy in August so I will give them to her.

Sleep? Sigh... some nights are great and some are really not.  Elliott will sleep all night most nights.  Oliver has just maxed out his sleep at 8 hours! Once.  Otherwise, its about 6 hours.   This really isn't bad, but when they do wake up, they seem to stagger it so that mom doesn't get any sleep.  I know they will though, and then I will just have to wake up in the middle of the night to pump.. baby snuggles when pumping are way better than just pumping!

I'm still trying to breastfeed Elliott and I have all but thrown in the towel for Oliver.  I did get a nipple shield that I still have yet to try though, but I keep forgetting. D'oh!

The boys are doing such cute things.  Elliott is such a sweet boy and really doesn't cry unless he is super hungry, wet, or upset.  When he wakes up in the morning he just starts wiggling around, batting at toys, and smiling.  It melts my heart!  Oliver is a little more demanding but boy when he's happy, he's really happy!  Oliver is such a little wiggle worm.  He's got the strongest legs too!  They both have the cutest pouty lips I have ever seen in my life.  Its hard to be upset with little people that are just that cute. Seriously!

Oliver's favorite place to be is either in the swing or in someone's arms.  He loves just sitting on daddy's lap chilling out.  He just melts into his dad.. so adorable.  Elliott's favorite place to be is in the bouncy chair or in someone's arms.  The chair makes monkey noises when you pull and I can't wait for the day that he figures out how to pull them himself.  He just smiles and smiles when one of us pulls it!  Elliott is starting to make screeching noises, but neither are laughing yet.  Elliott really started smiling at 7.5 weeks and Oliver at 8 weeks.

Both boys are some seriously happy babies.  Everyone said that we would never get lucky with happy babies again but we sure did!  They have their moments and times of the day when they are cranky (7-9pm) but overall they are just amazing.

Neither boy can roll over yet.  The both don't really like tummy time all that much and well, I haven't pushed the issue.  I am so afraid that when I put them on the floor that the girls will step on them, poke them in the eye, or be too rough with them.  Overall, the girls are super gentle, but they are still unpredictable toddlers!

We still don't have a regular schedule during the day.  With the girls, we let them dictate the schedule and we just went with it.  That seemed to work out pretty well.  I've been too tired to mentally note what time they eat/nap during the day but I will probably try and figure it out a bit more after our trip to MN in June.  Traveling always screws up schedules anyways, so I will worry about it when we get back.  The one thing I do know is that I generally get at least an hour of down time with all four sleeping when the girls nap from 11am-1pm.  That hour is seriously amazing!

Other than that, I don't know what to say about my little cutie pies.  No teeth yet! I'm so not ready to start teething with more kids.. the girls teeth have been bothering them a lot lately and that's enough crying for one mom to take!!  I love these little boys so much!  It really is hard to imagine our lives without our two sets.  Each one of my children brings me joy (and challenges!) each and every day.  They all have their own personalities and I just love watching them grow.
Elliott and Oliver


Elliott and Oliver- pondering how they are going to take over the world.....

E & O

Elliott- Love that sleepy face

Oliver- always looks so deep in thought

Oliver in the boppy (Yep, we reuse a lot from the girls!)



Love those prints on the butt! Elliott (Monkey) and Oliver (dog)

E & O

Elliott (top) and Oliver (bottom)

Oliver, Elliott, Char and Evy (on the floor)

Oliver and Elliott



Oliver with his daddy

Elliott (top) and Oliver (bottom)

O & E


Elliott in his bouncy- covered up with mama's sweater

Oliver, mama and Elliott

Oliver, mama, and Elliott (Don't mind how tired I look!)

Elliott and Oliver


Erin Thatcher said...

Your family is adorable! I find it fascinating that the boys outweight and are in the same size diapers as my preemies. They are just 8 months older. ;)

AletaObrien said...

Oh my gosh! Too many adorable pictures, cute overload! They are beautiful! Wow though, 12 ounces in an hour? The most mine will take is 8 ounces in an hour, but he is already wearing 6 month close. Yikes!