Our schedule has been a mess for a really long time, and I finally decided that after the time change, I was going to try and get things a little bit more streamlined so that I can have a predictable time each day for what's going to happen. Before, some days I would get some downtime and other days not so much. I was pretty tired of it, so I did a little bit of research and this is what we have been doing lately!
4-5:00 a.m.: Boys bottle (Elliott holds his own and Oliver's gets propped up on a blanket so he can drink it by himself
6:30: Boys wake up! Change diapers and put them in the jumperoo/exersaucer
6:45: Pump for about 45 minutes
7:30: Girls wake up! Change diapers and get them up (If the girls happen to be up before I pump, I get them up and we watch some T.V. while I pump)
8:00: Breakfast for all 4. Usually oatmeal for the girls and some type of banana/oatmeal puree for the boys. They also get puffs or Cheerio's.
9:00: Boys get a bottle and get put down for their first nap. They sleep anywhere from 1-2 hours. Pump.
12:00: Lunch for the girls. Usually they eat turkey/cheese/yogurt and milk.
1:00: Girls/Boys take a nap. Pump once they all go down. The girls sleep anywhere from 2-3 hours and the boys from 1.5-2.5 hours. (I got super lucky the other day and EVERYONE slept for 2.5 hours!!)
5:00: Pump
5:30: Get dinner started
6:00: Eat dinner
7:00ish Girls go to bed! Sometimes they get a bath before bed, but we have often been doing that during the middle of the day instead when we have time
7:30: Boys go to bed! Since the time change, we have been pretty consistently getting everyone to sleep by
8:00. Sometimes the girls stay up and chat, but that doesn't bother me any!
9/9:30: Pump one last time for at least 45 minutes before I go to sleep.
11:00: Oliver is usually up one last time before I go to sleep.... He eats about 4oz and then falls back asleep!
2:00 a.m. Oliver is usually up again wanting to eat!
There it is... the day in the life of two 2 year olds and two 8.5 month olds!
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