Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sleep = Awesome

Its amazing how clearly I can think today!  I actually feel well rested and like a normal person.  The girls slept last night from about 11-3 were awake long enough for me to feed them and then from 3-7!  They typically fuss, cry, etc. for a little while after they are done eating but last night they were perfect little angels and seriously read my mind.... mommy needed sleep! To make last night even better, Brian got up for their morning feeding and so all I had to do was pump and I went back to bed for about three more hours.  Even though it was broken up, approx. 9 hours of sleep felt like a million years!!

After I got up at about 11am, Brian had to get working on his homework.  His paper isn't technically due until Tuesday, but my dad is coming to visit from Minnesota Sunday-Tuesday so Brian doesn't want to be working on homework the whole time he is here.  My dad is the last of the grandparents to come visit and I think its wonderful that all four of them have been able to make the trip out here to Colorado.  We are going to Minnesota for Christmas so the girls can meet their great-grandparents (three out of four live in MN) but they have changed so much already in the first five weeks of life that I would hate for their grandparents to miss out on that.  When we go home for Christmas they will be almost three months old!  I actually can't believe how fast its going and soon I will be back at work.  Boo. 

I really do miss being at work, interacting with people, and having real things to accomplish every day but I think its going to be very difficult to leave the girls as well.  On the positive side, at least the girls will not be going to daycare.  Brian is fortunate enough to have a schedule that permits him to stay home most of the time.  He teaches as an adjunct professor at a college nearby and they are going to tentatively give him classes all on one day.  But, that also means that he would be gone from about 10am-10pm in which case we would have to hire someone to watch the girls from 10-6 or whenever I got home from work.  And Yes, I know that I'm a little crazy for thinking about two months from now but I tend to over analyze things and plan everything too much.  I'm not really sure why I do that since nothing ever works out as planned but oh well!

This post is getting super random but that's okay. 

I joined a "Mothers of Multiples" group back in August when they had the multiples sale.  The group has meetings, events, etc.  One of the events they are holding is a breakfast with Santa!  I haven't been to any events yet and thought this one sounded like fun!  The girls will obviously not remember Santa or their first Christmas but I thought it would be good to get their picture taken.  The mall Santa is probably not the place to be.... especially because of all the potentially germy and sick kids so a small gathering is right up my alley!

Daddy and Evy

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