Evy & Char- 8 months!
Charlotte is really moving! She really started crawling a couple weeks ago and there is no stopping her now! Evy is not making a lot of effort in the crawling department. She is perfectly happy just sitting on her butt playing with her toys. In fact, when I put her on the floor sitting up with her toys she will play for as long as you let her! Charlotte on the other hand wants nothing to do with sitting still. If you sit her down with her toys, she doesn't stay for long! She is very comfortable moving from laying down to sitting, to crawling, and even to her knees!! Evy for the first time sat up on her own today and I was so proud of her!! I have also found her on all fours kind of rocking back and forth a couple of times. This is what I saw Charlotte do a few weeks before she started crawling so maybe Evy does want a little bit more freedom.
Both of the girls are trying more new and exciting foods. I am giving them one or two solids meals per day now and trying to increase the amount a little bit each time. Evy eats her solids like a champ and Charlotte is not super excited about it. Charlotte will take a few bites of whatever I feed her and then push it away or hit the spoon with her hand so she can play with the food instead. I started giving them baby puffs a couple weeks ago and they both love them! They gagged on them at first but have now gotten the hang of eating them. In about a week's time, they both figured out how to pick up the puffs and put them in their mouths. Charlotte is better with the pincer grasp than Evy... she just puts a bunch in her fist and puts her hand in her mouth in the hopes that some get in there. Its pretty fun to watch them learn these new skills! Their meal usually starts with puffs which also gives me some time to prepare whatever it is that I am going to make for them. Our baby Beaba died so in the meantime I am cooking and pureeing their food the old fashioned way.
Charlotte is a very observant little girl. She gets distracted easily by the dog, cat, music, etc. She loves sitting in her high chair and watching everything that is going on around her. That girl doesn't miss a thing!!
Both girls are still sleeping from around 7pm-6 or 7am. We have been having some bedtime issues lately, but I think it will be okay. The girls have been wanting to stay up later and later and then just play and play when its time to go to sleep. I'm pretty sure Charlotte is saying, "hahahaha mama, I don't want to go to sleep!!!!" as soon as I lay her down because she instantly squirms around and tries to bother her sister who usually falls asleep instantly.
Both girls said "mama" and I couldn't be happier! Although, they have figured out that if they cry and say mama I just can't help but to pick them up. Evy still only has two teeth and Charlotte has one tooth coming in at the moment. I just packed up their 6-9 month clothes and Evy is getting close to growing out of the 12 month clothes as well! All of their summer stuff is 12 months, so I just hope that will last until August at least when the next MOMs sale is. They are wearing size 3 diapers and I don't think those are going to last very long for Evy either. They are both getting so big so fast! If I had to estimate, I would say that Charlotte is 18lbs and Evy is 20.5lbs. I did a quick weight on my scale with them the other day which I know is probably not that accurate. We go for their 9 month checkup on July 6th.
Both of the girls are really starting to "talk" a lot more these days. Evy is definitely the talker out of the two. She just loooves to hear her own voice. She often makes "alien" sounds I call them in kind of a raspy tone. Charlotte is the quiet observant one as I mentioned before. But, if you have her one on one she really comes out of her shell and talks a bit more. Lately she has been yelling more (in a good way.) She is finally figuring out what she can do with her voice! These girls seem similar to how me and my sister are/were. I have always been the loud one that was happy just sitting around, and my sister has always been the quiet one that likes to get out and do stuff. My mom was just telling me on the phone today that in 1988 she wrote in my baby book that I was going to be a talker :) I sang happy birthday to myself on my 1st birthday and haven't stopped talking since!
I am so proud to be their mama! The girls have really brought joy and happiness to my life. I love watching them grow and change each and every day! They are always trying to master a skill (crawling, talking, etc.) and learn something new. It was super hard to leave them in January when I had to go back to work and I think it will be even harder when I go back in August. They have such personalities now and know more of what is going on. I just don't want them to cry for their mama when I'm not there. School starts in exactly 2 months and I plan on making the most of every day!
Evy is giving crawling her best shot!
Char and Evy- day of fun at the park! Post coming soon on that :)
Evy and Char- mama's big girls!
Charlotte playing with her avocado and banana
They are squirmy little girls!! It is a workout to just get a good shot!
Evy and her toy
Charlotte loves to try and get the kitty!
Charlotte also crawled over to where the dog hangs out...
Brian and Charlotte
Evy and Char... Evy really does love her blankie!
Evy and Char... "sharing" the blankies :)
Evy was trying to fall asleep sitting up
They are adorable!
Your children look so cute :) Seeing them gives me lots of hope.
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