I was so hesitant to think that this actually worked so I didn't really want to write about my "symptoms" unless that's what they actually were :)
My first indication I was pregnant was that I could drink milk or anything with lactose in it. I am very lactose intolerant except when pregnant! I had something with dairy in it during the 2ww and didn't get sick at all so that was a great sign. Also, food has tasted very salty lately. I generally put salt on everything and I haven't had to do that. I even asked Brian if he thought it was too salty and he said no.... and he doesn't like to add salt to his food. I've also been extremely tired (now I know why!) I have been getting up in the middle of the night 2-3x to go to the bathroom as well. Within the last couple of days I have felt a bit nauseated. I thought at first maybe it was just in my mind, but its so not. I don't feel like I'm going to throw up or anything but just have a general icky feeling.
The weirdest symptom so far that I've had is a stretching feeling in my uterus. At first I thought it was my period starting, but that's obviously not the case. It almost feels as though it vibrates for a few seconds and then stops. I don't remember feeling this with Char and Evy but every pregnancy is different, right?
The cat also came up and sat in my lap a lot.... she doesn't normally do that and so that was another sign I was pregnant!
So, overall I am feeling pretty good! Minus the exhausted part (Seriously, why am I not napping right now while the girls are sleeping???) and the slightly nauseated part. I hope I can stay a little bit more relaxed during this pregnancy than I was with the girls. I would get so worked up before every single appointment because I was just so worried about them. This go around I won't have the summer to go to appointments and just sit around.... and I'm going to try and work up until the end unless it becomes unsafe to do so. I will also have to use my sick days strategically so that I don't run out. I will have 9 sick and personal days to use so if I only use them in half day increments it should be okay. I think I only have 2 left from the last school year that I accrued after my maternity leave. So there it is! I am pregnant with twins again! Char and Evy both get their own siblings!
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